Читання (робота у парах). Учням пропонується прочитати тексти і поєднати їх з назвами країн, які записані на дошці. Кожний текст слід доповнити словами, які подані над текстом.
Релаксаційна пауза. Relaxation.
( на фоні музики )
Учні розподіляються на пари. Кожна пара отримує
New Zeland
Нова Зеландія
Географічне положення
Major industries
Natural resources
Природні ресурси
Major energy sources
Джерела енергії
Environmental problems
Кожна пара працює лише з однією країною.
Використовуючи інформацію з текстів підручника, які учні щойно прочитали або ж прослухали, використовуючи свої знання
з географії, вони заповнюють інформацію в таблиці про свою країну протягом 10
хвилин. По черзі пари доповідають про свої дослідження, учні класу слухають і
заповнюють інформацію про інші країни. Важливо пояснити їм, що
не треба писати повні речення, а лише ключові моменти. Викладач заохочує групу задавати доповідачам уточнюючі
Викладач організовує в групі дискусію з використанням інформації з таблиць.
Варіанти запитань для дискусії:
Which countries have similar environmental problems? / Які країни з таблиці мають
подібні екологічні проблеми?
Which countries have the same
environmental problems as Ukraine ? / Екологічні проблеми яких країн подібні до
What do all of the countries have in
common? / Що
спільного між усіма цими країнами?
What can you propose to solve some of
our environmental problems? / Як ви пропонуєте вирішити вище згадані екологічні проблеми?
Написати твір, в якому порівняти Україну
з будь-якою країною в таблиці, описати спільні та відмінні риси цих двох країн,
їхні екологічні проблеми та шляхи вирішення.
Груповий проект
письма і непідготовленого усного
На попередньому уроці учні отримали
завдання уважно роздивитись район, в
якому знаходиться навчальний заклад, запам’ятати, які там будівлі, установи,
місця відпочинку, по можливості зробити декілька фотографій. Групи заповнюють
таблицю. Кожен з представник по черзі записує інформацію про одну з категорій в
таблиці, всі члени групи пропонують ідеї.
Учні розподіляються на групи по четверо. Кожна група отримує таблицю.
What’s in the neighborhood?
Моє оточуюче
Litter free
Plants or trees
Garbage cans
баки для сміття
Lots of traffic
Other comments
інші коментарі
1. Work places
Де люди працюють
2. Living spaces
Де люди живуть
3. Recreation spaces
Де ми відпочиваємо
4. Wildlife spaces
Острівки дикої природи
Контрольне опитування:
1.Which region in
your country is the area of natural beauty? What are the main tourist
destinations in your region? Describe any of them.
2.Are weather forecasts important? Why? How can
weather be forecast nowadays? What are some of the problems caused by
the weather? Speak about different kinds of
natural disasters and what people must or must not do if they witness any natural disaster.
3.We are a part of
nature. How do you feel about it? Speak about different wonders of nature.
4.Comment on the
quotation: “Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been
poisoned and the last fish has been caught, we will realize that we can’t eat
5.What problems does
rubbish cause and why? What is “recycling” and what can be recycled? Why is it
important to recycle things?
6.How does the
weather affect your mood? Have you ever experienced a severe storm? How did you
feel? What natural disaster are you afraid of and why?
7.How does the accumulation
of rubbish pose a threat to our planet? Should recycling be encouraged in the
country and why (not )? In what way?
8.Would you prefer to
see an animal in captivity or in its natural habitat? Why? Which animal do you
think leads a happier life? Why?
9.Why do people keep
animals as pets? What are the advantages and disadvantages of owing a pet: a)
for children; b) for elderly people?
10.What do you think
about keeping animals in zoos? Is it wrong to wear fur or leather clothes and
why ( not )? What should be done to protect rare species of animals from
(робота у парах).
Read the
dialogues and match them with the descriptions. Then complete each dialogue
with the words from each box.
A formal dialogue between a doctor and a
An informal dialogue between two friends;
A television interview.
Ought, you'd', should, I were you.
A: I'm feeling really
awful. I only slept four hours last night.
B: It's not surprising,
when you're always stuck in front of that computer.
A: What do you mean?
B: Well, you-------- go out a bit more. And if ----------- I wouldn't drink
much coffee. Caffeine is
bad for you, you know.
A: Yes, I know. But it
keeps me awake when I'm playing games.
B: Mmmm, and
you________ to do some exercise.__________ feel much
better. Why don't you
play football with us on Saturday?
A: I'd like to but....
OK, what time is it?
.... 'd
advise you, mustn't must,...'ve got need.
A: I'm afraid
you_______ to change your diet.
A: Well, you --------- to
eat more fruit and vegetables and you
------------____ eat
much fast food like pizzas and hamburgers.
But I don't like vegetables and I've hardly got any time to cook.
A: I'm afraid you_______ make sure you eat properly. Your cholesterol
is much too high. I_______ go on one
of the cookery courses
organized by
the local authority. •
no point, it's important, advise, ...'d advise, be counterproductive, could,
should, what tips.
So,_______ for jogging have you got
for our viewers?
B: Well,--------_ to
start slowly. Trying to do too much all at once
can_______ .
A: Do you think people________ join a club?
Not necessarily. You can go jogging on your own with
friends._______ In joining a club unless you feel
you need to have the
discipline of
a group.
And______ you give us some advice
about trainers?
B: Well,
there are lots on the market. My ____ is to look around and talk to friends and
find out which ones they find most comfortable.
-------- you not to worry too much about the label. A lot
of the time
you are just
paying for the name!
Читання ( Рольова гра).
Read about the Elvis Presley's lifestyle and
give advice. Imagine that you are his
wife, his doctor, his producer.
Elvis Presley.
breakfast at 5 p.m., he had half a kilo of fried bacon and a quarter of a kilo
of sausages (3000 calories). For lunch, at midnight, he had two "fool's
gold" sandwiches - each made of a jar of peanut butter and a jar of
strawberry jam, plus half a kilo of bacon (8400 calories). For dinner he had
five double hamburgers and a lot more sandwiches (2000 calories).
Read the text "The traditional treatment of
colds in England " and
write some pieces of advice of the traditional treatment of colds in Ukraine .
It has always amused me
to see how we, the English, get rid of coughs, colds and runny nose.
The moment an Englishman
feels a little bit sick, he opens all the windows. I should say all except the
one in his bedroom: that is always open. You see, we always sleep with our
windows open.
Once the windows are
open, the wind and the fog rush into the room and kill all the microbes with
cold blood.
That method
works well in most cases. When it fails, the Englishman takes other steps: he
drinks tea and this is sure to help.
We also understand the importance of a healthy diet. Some
time ago breakfast with us was a very large meal. It was not very healthy.
Today it is a light meal of cereal, fruit, juice and a cup of coffee or tea. It
does us a world of good!
Take your favourite fruit and we’ll make the Health Coctail.
Take a glass of crystal water with sunrays and fresh air.
Put your favourite fruit rich in vitamins.
Mix it energetically.
Sprinkle with humour.
Drink slowly to feel the taste of it.
Feel how you become healthy, clever, strong, kind, happy. Be healthy!
Pre-Reading Is
it important to have a standard daily routine? Why?/Why not? Read the text to
find out. (перед
читанням ставиться проблемне питання, на яке пропонується надати відповідь до
та після читання тексту)
’Routine’ is usually seen as a negative term nowadays, largely because we no longer
belong to a society of nine–to–fivers. We live in a world that is
fast becoming a 24- hour society, where everything is open all hours. You can
buy your groceries at midnight, book your holiday, on the Internet at 3am, and do business
online at the crack of down. Before you
join the 24-hour revolution, however, take a minute to listen
to what your body is trying to tell you – that around-the-clock lifestyle is
not what nature intended. Lifestyle is not what nature intended.
In an area in our brains called hypothalamus, we have a ’body clock’ that controls our body’s natural rhythms. It tells us when
it’s the right time to work, sleep, play and eat. It plays an important part in
our physical and psychological
well-being. It is, in fact, what makes us tick and it controls many
things including our hormones, temperature, immune functions and alertness. It
synchronises all these like a conductor with an orchestra; it regulates tempo and brings in all the
different instruments on time to make music rather than a random noise. If we try to ignore our body clocks, or even
to switch them off for a while, we not only deprive ourselves of much needed
rest but we also run the risk of seriously damaging our health.
Ignoring your body clock and changing your body’s natural rhythms can not only make youdepressed, anxious and accident prone, it can lead to much more serious health problems.
For example, heart disease, fatigue, ulcers, muscular pain, and frequent viral
infections can all result from trying to outsmart our body clocks. Altering our patterns of sleeping and walking
dramatically affects our immune system. While we sleep the body’s repair
mechanism are at work; when we are awake natural killer cells circulate around
our bodies and cause more damage. Our
digestive system is affected, too – high levels of glucose and fat remain in
our bloodstream for longer periods on time and this can lead to heart disease.
Unfortunately, we were not designed to be members of a 24-hour society. We can't ignore millions of years of evolution and
stay up all night and sleep all day. We function best with a regular pattern of
sleep and wakefulness that is in tune with our natural environment. Nature’s
cues are what keep our body clocks ticking rhythmically and everything is
working in harmony. So, next time
you think a daily routine is boring and predictable, remember that routine may
well save your life in the long run.
Post-reading Choose
the correct answer which fits best according to the text.( учні обирають одну з вірних
відповідей, в яких дається стисла дефініція цілої групи речень)
1.According to the text, what is one of the advantages
of living 24-hours lifestyle?
never have to worry about arranging your holidays.
You can
do office work as early or as late as you like.
can be delivered to your home anytime.
don’t work from nine to five anymore.
2. In what way is our body clock like the conductor of an
regulates the actions of the hypothalamus.
timing has response to be very exact.
affects our response to music.
helps the body`s functions to work together.
3. If the change our sleep patterns, we
Will get an infection.
disturb our immune system.
Will get heart disease.
high levels of dangerous cells.
What happens during sleep?
body destroys lots harmful cells.
levels of glucose and fat are created.
body clock shuts down temporarily/
daily damage to the body is mended/
to the text, we should
things when our body tells us to.
our body clock according to a strict schedule.
Use the
natural environment to work out a regular routine.
boring, slow-paced lifestyle.
to the text, our body clock
Can be
change without harm.
when we should do things.
us to fight sleep.
Is a boring routine.
Why has the writer written this article? Are there any points in the article
you disagree with? Is there any information you did not know before reading the
article? Compare answers with your partner.( учням пропонується дати критичну
оцінку тексту, висловити своє ставлення до поданої інформації та обговорити
свою думку з сусідом по парті)
( Практикування у
вживанні граматичної структури умовних речень)
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